Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions

Publisher support

This will help you get started as a publisher and it may ask some of the questions you may have.

In order to get started on Anothersell, you need to register here. simply fill in the registration form and our team will evaluate your property and get back to you in less than 24h.

anothersell provides the ability to monetize your traffic using ad formats such as new tab pop-up and smart link and search for web extensions.

Earnings are dependent on website/extension performance and market conditions. The geographic location of your website traffic can also play a significant part in determining your potential revenue.

Yes, you need to add your new domain to the account by going to sites > add new site, however this doesn’t apply on web extensions.

If ads are not showing on your site after you’ve added the correct code as described in integration page, you should contact us at [email protected]  be sure to include the page that has the ad embedded.

  1. open your account and go to “Integration”
  2. Copy the code provided for your website
  3. Add ad code to the <body>

We accept almost any type of traffic from all GEOs. But your website must adhere to our rules.

We do not have minimum requirements. Whether your website receives 100 visitors a day or 1 000 000, you can apply and use our system. however your website must adhere to our rules to be accepted.

Statistics are updated every 30 minutes.

The service supports the following operating systems and browsers:

  • OS: Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Android
  • Browsers: All browsers are supported.

We pay earnings at the end of every month.

You get exactly as much as you earned in the system.